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Post Thumnail

My Passion, My Purpose

You will do anything for something you are passionate about, even when you are getting no reward for doing it. Your reward will often be the fulfillment you get for doing it and that is what satisfies you. You will put in the effort to see it to its completion and will always be looking for ways to make it better hence causing value addition.

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Post Thumnail

Power of Positive Words

If you are to assess the words you have spoken today with others, what impact have they had on them? Do you feel that value has been added to them or have they been left the same as you found them? Worse still, have the words you have used lowered the self-esteem of the individuals?

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Post Thumnail

Growth Mindset Vs Fixed Mindset

Looking at failures in life as an opportunity for growth rather than as a limit to one’s abilities. It is human for one to feel beaten when a failure comes their way however how one reacts to the situation is what matters. My school motto in high school was “Never Give Up.” I believe this has also had a great impact at the way I look at life.

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Post Thumnail

Don't get swallowed by the whale!!

Many times, we fail to take on opportunities to serve because of our own selfish reasons without thinking about the person that is to benefit from our act of service. In my mind, I was thinking about the amount of work and time that would go into the preparation and delivery of the training. On top of that, I had anxiety about public speaking which anyway most people get when they are going to speak before an audience.

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Post Thumnail

My 25-year-old self

A close friend of mine, Belinda, recently completed her university studies. She graduated with first-class honors and she was so excited about her achievement. She was now stepping out into the world of employment. She had just made 25 years of age and was looking forward to her next phase in life as she was starting in the employment world.

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Post Thumnail

Give your Pain a Purpose

There is also that pain that is not intentional. Pain that comes our way as a result of circumstances. In June 2021, I lost my dearly beloved mother. If there was anything I had ever feared in this world, it was the loss of my mother. There is so much I had imagined would go wrong if mum was not in our lives anymore.

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Post Thumnail

Where to Invest this Year 2024

As we transition into 2024, it's important to remember that mindset is everything. Whether you've already set your goals for the year or are still working on them, intentional focus is key to crossing successfully to the other side of the river. Life transitions can be challenging, but with the right mindset, anything is possible. Happy 2024!

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Post Thumnail

Sustenance Habits

Positive habits contribute to personal growth, well-being, and success. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, mindfulness, goal-setting, and productive work are some great examples of positive habits. On the other hand, bad habits can be detrimental to an individual's health, happiness, or overall success. Smoking, excessive consumption of unhealthy food or alcohol, procrastination, and negative self-talk are some common examples of negative habits. Let's work on building more positive habits to achieve our goals and lead a healthier life. hashtag#positivehabits hashtag#personaldevelopment hashtag#successmindset

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Post Thumnail

Navigating Leadership Through Life's Transitions

Change is the essence of life, and so is transition. As you advance and improve, transition is inevitable, and you will sometimes encounter it with anxiety but encounter it, nevertheless.

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