Today I was driving into our office parking with my mind focused on getting my usual parking spots but I, unfortunately, found all of them taken. I then made up my mind to take my car to the washing bay to at least get it washed but it is also not too far for me to walk.


Little did I know that I had actually driven by an available parking spot. My mind was fixed on the spot I always park and its alternative. Luckily enough as I drove to the washing bay, I realized the spot I had just passed by and got my car parked there.


As I walked to my office, pondering on what had just happened, I realized that there are so many opportunities that we miss in life simply because our minds are fixed on the things we are used to.


Exploring the reasons why we often do this, I find that;

We live in such competitive world and we all desire the same thing. Simply because we have realized its of benefit for one individual and we think we too deserve it. In this particular case, the parking spot being talked about always has specific cars parked in it. Mine inclusive. It is clear that it is first come first serve for the three cars. It has been personalized by the three drivers. 


It is clear that the owners of the cars do not want to tire themselves to explore other options for parking space because it is what they are used to. This parking spot is so strategic because it is close to my office, it is a short walking distance and my car can be viewed from where I sit. 


Fear of the unknown makes us revert to what we are used to. The parking yard is really large with so many parking slots. However, because I drop kids to school early in the morning, I sometimes arrive a little late and therefore the chances of getting a slot at the other side parking yard seems rather minimal. I sometimes end up parking in prohibited parking spots where the car may easily get damaged by the exiting vehicles. Guess what!!! I have actually been warned by the security team but I have found myself opting to park in the prohibited space. Why? Because I have the fear that I will not get parking space and I risk losing the opportunity of parking in that only spot or else I park in the second parking yard which is quite far.


These and many more as you may share with us in the comments have limited our choices even when the opportunities come by.


It is high time that we deal with our mindset and stop being limited by them. A fixed mindset will only hold you back and we fail to get to what we have set out to achieve. It is a scarcity mindset that limits your options in life. However, a growth mindset allows you to live a life of abundance with various options to choose from in order to live a life of fulfilment. This can be achieved through;

Being open minded when making decisions in life whether it is work-related or personal decisions. An open mind will allow you to look at situations through different lenses and provide you with effective solutions.


Optimism is also essential for a growth mindset. Always looking out for the positive aspects in all situations. Knowing that there is always a brighter side to even the negative that happens in life.


Looking at failures in life as an opportunity for growth rather than as a limit one’s abilities. It is human for one to feel beaten when a failure comes their way however how one reacts to the situation is what matters. My school motto in high school was “Never Give Up.” I believe this has also had a great impact at the way I look at life.


In the previous blog, we looked at the power of the tongue. Sometimes the people around us will make negative statements about us. Your choice of reaction will determine the type of mindset. An individual with a growth mindset will choose to ignore what has been said and seek to become an even better person. The individual with the negative mindset will on the other hand will believe what has been said about them and will sulk over it. They will allow that to determine the decisions they make going forward.


It is clear and evident that one would rather have a growth mindset than a fixed mindset if they are to fulfill their potential.


Please react and leave a comment as you dazzle in your greatness.