I was recently reading one of those random posts you come across on WhatsApp after being forwarded several times on a couple of my WhatsApp groups and I will paraphrase it.

There was once a man who was not feeling so well for a period of time and decided to go visit the doctor. At the doctor’s, he agreed to take a series of tests to establish what was exactly wrong with him. One of the tests to be done was the HIV test. When his results came back, he was told he was HIV positive. At that point, that was the end of it all for him. He fell so sick that he could not even walk, and had to be put on oxygen to support his breathing. This went on for a period of two weeks until the lab technicians got back and mentioned to his doctor that his patient’s results had been mixed up.  The results provided were for another patient. His patient was actually HIV negative. Upon receipt of the news, the patient got better immediately, he gained the strength to walk and did not need oxygen for support anymore.

Last week, I was talking to a friend of mine Patrice whose dad had been rushed to the city for medical help. He had issues with his urinary tract and was in a lot of pain. He had several tests done and the results showed that he had malignant cells in his testosterone. The oncologist he was seeing was not of much help either, he told him that the cancerous cells had already spread. However, upon Patrice sharing the results with another consulting doctor who works with one of the big hospitals, he said that cancer was still manageable and had not yet spread.

Key to note is that when the first results were shared by the first oncologist and the feedback provided, Patrice's dad got very weak and even stopped eating. However, when the feedback from the second oncologist was shared with dad, he got his life back, was able to take a walk to church, his appetite came back and was able to sit and have a proper conversation with his caretakers.

I would therefore like us to reflect on ourselves. If you are to assess the words you have spoken today with others, what impact have they had on them. Do you feel that value has been added to them or have they been left the same as you found them? Worse still, have the words you have used lowered the self-esteem of the individuals?

Proverbs 18:21 says “what you say can preserve life or destroy it; so, you must accept the consequences of your words.”

This is rather a powerful statement and the fact that it is coming from the life’s manual whose writings were inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is a statement worth reflecting upon.

We do sometimes say things in the heat of the moment without first thinking through their implications. It could be to your child, your spouse, your workmate, your sibling, your friend, etc. Sometimes they will be said innocently in a subconscious state without thinking through. It could even be in form of a joke. However, we need to remember that the tongue has the power to create. And therefore, the need to watch what flows out of your mouth.

The life’s manual in Mathew 15:18 also says “But whatever word comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this is what defiles and dishonors the man.” This is one of those other powerful statements. Nothing comes out of your mouth that is not first initiated in your thoughts. The words you say reflect what your thoughts are and what is on your heart. You therefore need to be careful on the choice of words you use.

Some tips on how to use your tongue wisely;

1.     Think before you act

2.     Avoid speaking when you are angry

3.     Ascertain the facts before you speak

4.     Be slow to speak and quick to listen

5.     Choose the right words when speaking to others – words that build but not break them.

Look out for my next blog when I will be talking about the choosing the right reaction to the negative words that have been said to you.

Please react and leave a comment as you dazzle in your greatness.