We have often heard the phrase, “Pain is part of Life.” And yes, it is so true!!! As we go through this life’s journey, we can never dodge pain. I have often referred to the 5 capitals of life (Spiritual, Health, Financial, Intellectual, and Relationship) that need to be balanced in life. Capital is that they are things that you need to invest in intentionally for your well-being. Given that if any is neglected, your life will be imbalanced in a way.


To invest intentionally in these, there are things you are going to have to do or to even give up painfully for you to be able to gain more out of the investment. For example, for your health and well-being, you may have to painfully give up the things you love just to take care of this body that was lent to you by God. He tells us to be good stewards for that which He has given to us. For your financial well-being, you may have to painfully make sacrifices on the expenditures you have been making for the sake of your financial stability, Intellectually, you may have to painfully create more time out of the 24 hours you have a day to invest in your intellectual well-being with a focus on your intellectual growth. Building meaningful relations is therefore key to your relationship well-being. You may sacrificially have to give up some of the relations you have because emotionally, they drain you and are not contributing to your own growth. As humans, to achieve lifelong wellness, pain is part of the journey.


There is also that pain that is not intentional. Pain that comes our way as a result of circumstances. In June 2021, I lost my dearly beloved mother. If there was anything I had ever feared in this world, it was the loss of my mother. There is so much I had imagined would go wrong if mum was not in our lives anymore. But guess what, her departure actually unlocked so many doors in both my siblings and my own life. The journey I am on today was started just after the death of my mum and I am so glad that I took it on. A journey to emulate the legacy she had built over time, that is now a foundation for the legacy I have to build.


The Bible says, “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children.” In the worldly understanding, inheritance may seem like financial wealth but it is much more than that. The inheritance goes as far as the behavior and the relationships created that will sustain the well-being of the generations to come after you. That is exactly what Mum did. She may not have been wealthy financially but she left such a huge inheritance that I find treasure in it. She was wealthy spiritually, and intellectually as well as in her relations.


Sometimes, it may be the job that you applied for and went through the interviews for but did not get. It could be a relationship that went sour, it could be a financial loss or anything you could mention. However, whenever you sit down to reflect on your journey of where you come from, you will realize that there was actually a purpose in the pain that you went through.


For you to achieve this though, you will need to have a growth mindset. You can find out more about how to achieve this by reading my book, “Overpowering a Toxic Mindset: Restructuring your Thought Patterns.”