Last week I attended a training session that was delivered by one of the ladies, Gloria, whom I admire in the HR profession. It was a 4 days session. As we were getting to the end of the training, on the second last day, a topic that I seemed to love came up. I suddenly got a level of excitement within me that I also did not understand. My mind started racing with all sorts of wild ideas of how possible everything that was being talked about could be applied. On the last day, Gloria seemed to build on the topic that was covered the day before. My excitement levels were going higher and higher. Gloria too sounded excited as she delivered on this topic. It was all about technology. Suddenly everything seemed to be flowing for me. I am not sure it was the same for all the other participants in the room.


It was then that a question popped into my head, “Could this be where my purpose is?” I suddenly felt a strong passion for technology in learning. It was then I asked myself, “But what am I to do about it?” It felt like all the things being talked about required specific resources and a specific type of people around you. Which I felt that it was something I was lacking.


I quickly remembered a question a colleague of mine once asked, “How do you know that you are passionate about something? And is what you are passionate about your purpose?” This question up to now still lingers in my head.


These, however, are my quick thoughts on it:

You will do anything for something you are passionate about, even when you are getting no reward for doing it. Your reward will often be the fulfillment you get for doing it and that is what satisfies you. You will put in the effort to see it to its completion and will always be looking for ways to make it better hence causing value addition.


Many times, it will be a problem that requires a solution and you will often feel that you can find a solution to it. Therefore, go all out to find the solution whether you have the resources or not.


Purpose has been defined as a person’s sense of resolve or determination to accomplish a goal. We often set goals with the aim to achieve the desired result. You will often realize that we set goals and sometimes fail to achieve them. This may at times be a result of the lack of passion or having an unclear reason as to why the goal or because we do not want to be inconvenienced or do not want to get out of our comfort zone.


These form some of the reasons why we fail to fulfill our purpose or lose interest in our passions because we have let our surroundings dictate who we are. You can read more about this in my book, “Overpowering a Toxic Mindset, Restructure your Thought Patterns.”